Ms. LI, Kei Ling, is an Executive Director and Chairman of the Company. Ms. Li is one of the founders of the Group. She founded the Group in December 1995 and was appointed to the Board in October 2002. She was also the chief executive officer of the Company from 1 March 2015 to 17 April 2016. Ms. Li is also the Chairman of Dawnrays International Co. Ltd., Dawnrays International Company Limited (東瑞國際股份有限公司), Suzhou Dawnrays Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.,  Fujian Dawnrays Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., Nanjing PharmaRays Science and Technology Co., Ltd., Guangzhou PharmaRays Science and Technology Co., Ltd., Lanzhou Dawnrays Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., Suzhou Dawnrays Pharmaceuticals Trading Co., Ltd. and Dawnrays Pharma (Hong Kong) Ltd., which are all subsidiaries of the Company. She is the Chairman of the Nomination Committee and a member of the Remuneration Committee. Ms. Li has over thirty years of experience in corporate management, strategic planning, business operations and finance, in particular for pharmaceutical enterprises in the PRC. She is responsible for supervising the strategic management decisions to ensure good corporate governance practices and business policies are established, and executing the overall developmental strategies of the Group.


Mr. HUNG, Yung Lai, is an Executive Director of the Company and one of the founders of the Group. Mr. Hung founded the Group in December 1995 and was appointed to the Board in October 2002. Mr. Hung also holds directorship in Dawnrays International Co., Ltd., Dawnrays Biotechnology Capital (Asia) Ltd., Dawnrays International Company Limited  (東瑞國際股份有限公司), Suzhou Dawnrays Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., Fujian Dawnrays Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., Nanjing PharmaRays Science and Technology Co., Ltd., Guangzhou PharmaRays Science and Technology Co., Ltd., Lanzhou Dawnrays Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.,  Suzhou Dawnrays Pharmaceuticals Trading Co., Ltd. and Dawnrays Pharma (Hong Kong) Ltd., which are all subsidiaries of the Company. Mr. Hung holds a degree from 上海音樂學院 (Shanghai Conservatory of Music). He has over thirty years of experience in corporate management and corporate development, and has participated in founding and managing of pharmaceutical and high-tech enterprises.  Mr. Hung was an executive director and the chairman of Sing Lee Software (Group) Ltd., a company listed on the Growth Enterprise Market of the Stock Exchange during May 2001 to October 2022.




Mr. LEUNG, Hong Man, is a Non-executive Director of the Company. He joined the Group and was appointed to the Board in November 2005. Mr. Leung has started his business career in knitting machinery since 1993. He has over ten years experience in sales and management and also over ten years experience in finance and property investments.  In recent years, Mr. Leung has strived to exploit business in hi-tech agriculture and arts and cultural industries. Mr. Leung currently is the shareholder and the director of Toyo International Investment Ltd., which has been one of the substantial shareholders (as required to be disclosed under Part XV of the Securities and Futures Ordinance) of the Company since September 2005.



Mr. LO, Tung Sing Tony, is an Independent Non-executive Director of the Company. Mr. Lo joined the Group in October 2010. He is the Chairman of the Audit Committee, a member of the Remuneration Committee and the Nomination Committee of the Company respectively. Mr. Lo has extensive experience in financial management and business development in Hong Kong and multinational companies.  He obtained his Bachelor degree in Business Administration from The Chinese University of Hong Kong and Master of Science in Financial Management from The University of London. Mr. Lo is an associate member of The Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants. He currently holds the position of Director of Finance at The University of Hong Kong.


Mr. EDE, Ronald Hao Xi, is an Independent Non-executive Director of the Company. Mr. EDE joined the Group in June 2015 and was appointed as a Non-executive Director. He was re-designated as an Independent Non-executive Director, the Chairman of the Remuneration Committee, a member of the Audit Committee and the Nomination Committee of the Company with effect from 1 July 2017. Mr. EDE has extensive experience in financial and business management in multinational companies. He obtained his Bachelor degree in Business Administration from The University of Hawaii and a Master of Business Administration degree from The University of Washington. He is also a fellow member of the Institute of Singapore Chartered Accountants.  Mr. EDE was an independent non-executive director of Mindray Medical International Ltd. (a company listed on Shenzhen Stock Exchange) from January 2017 to 18 May 2023. Mr. EDE currently holds the position of an executive director  of Innovent Biologics Inc. (a company listed on the Main Board of the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited).


Ms. LAM, Ming Yee Joan, is an Independent Non-executive Director of the Company. Ms. Lam joined the Group in May 2018. She is a member of the Audit Committee, the Remuneration Committee and the Nomination Committee of the Company respectively. Ms. Lam earned her bachelor degree in accountancy from City University of Hong Kong. She is a certified public accountant in Hong Kong. Ms. Lam has extensive experience in the finance and accounting field, gained from major international financial institutions and listed company in Hong Kong.



Ms. YU, Liwei, is the Chief Executive Officer of the Company. Ms. Yu is also the Chief Human Resources Officer of the Group who fully responsible for the  human resources management of the Group. She also holds directorship of Fujian Dawnrays Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. (“Fujian Dawnrays”), a subsidiary of the Compang. Ms. Yu joined the Group in November 2002. She has served as the person in charge of production of Suzhou Dawnrays Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of the Company and the general manager of Fujian Dawnrays respectively. Ms. Yu graduated from Jilin University with an undergraduate degree in Biological Pharmaceutics and has the Licensed Pharmacist Qualification.




Mr. WU, Yijun, is the Chief Financial Officer of the Group. Mr. Wu is responsible for the Group’s financial management including financial planning, capital budgeting, execution of costing, budget planning and monitoring. Mr. Wu holds directorship in Fujian Dawnrays Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., Lanzhou Dawnrays Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.,  Suzhou Dawnrays Pharmaceuticals Trading Co., Ltd., Nanjing PharmaRays Science and Technology Co., Ltd. and Guangzhou PharmaRays Science and Technology Co., Ltd. which are all subsidiaries of the Company. Mr. Wu obtained a Bachelor degree of Accountancy from Nanjing Audit Institute (renamed as Nanjing Audit University in 2015). He attained senior accountant and economist qualification in the PRC. Mr. Wu has over thirty years’ experience in internal control, budgeting, financial management, investment and financing, economic management and PRC’s taxation regulations. Mr. Wu joined the Group in December 2002.




Mr. ZHONG, Nan Shan, was invited to join the Group as a Senior Academic Adviser in April 2004. He graduated from 北京大學醫學部 (Beijing Medical University), and pursued his studies in the Respiratory Medicine Unit of the Royal Infirmary, University of Edinburgh and the Department of Respiratory Medicine of the St. Bartholomew’s Hospital, University of London. Mr. Zhong was the president of Chinese Medical Association. He is currently the academician of The Chinese Academy of Engineering, the Professor of Internal Medicine in Guangzhou Medical College, the president of Guangzhou Association of Science and Technology, the director of Guangzhou Institute of Respiratory Disease and the director-general of State Key Laboratory of Respiratory Disease. Mr. Zhong has been a medical adviser of the World Health Organisation Advisory Panel since 2000. He has written 4 books and published over 120 papers in the last decade. After the battle of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (“SARS”), he was invited to be the lecturer in the annual meeting of American Thoracic Society – “Management of SARS in China” in Seattle, the United States.


Mr. MEI, Huawas invited to join the Group as a Senior Academic Adviser in April 2004. He graduated from 廣州華南醫學院(Guangzhou South China Medical College) and was qualified as the specialist in urology from 北京醫學院附屬第一醫院 (The First Affiliated Hospital of Beijing Medical University) and Massachusetts General Hospital, USA. He has been the adviser and professor of 中山大學附屬第一醫院泌尿外科 (Department of Urology of The First Affiliated Hospital of Sun Yat-sen University) since 1980 and a director of 深圳中山泌尿外科醫院 (Department of Urology of Shenzhen Sun Yat-sen Hospital) since 1986. Since 1991, he has been the adviser for doctoral candidates in the First Affiliated Hospital of Sun Yat-sen University. He was the committee member of Urological Association of Asia, American Urological Association and was the committee vice president of 中華醫學會泌尿外科學會 (The Urological Society of Chinese Medical Association). Mr. Mei has also written 3 books about urology and surgery.


Ms. LIU, Li Shengwas invited to join the Group as a Senior Academic Adviser in May 2005. She obtained a Bachelor degree of Science in Biology from Yenching University, Beijing in 1950, and a Doctor of Medicine from Peking Union Medical College, Beijing in 1954. From 1980 to 1981, she pursued her postdoctoral research in the Cardiovascular Research and Training Centre, University of Alabama at Birmingham, USA. She is currently the Professor of Medicine in Fu Wai Hospital, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences in Beijing, the director of Clinical Trials and Research Centre, Chinese Hypertension League in Beijing and the vice director of the National Center for Cardiovascular Disease Control & Research in China.  She was the president of the Chinese Society of Cardiology, the president of the Chinese Hypertension League and the president of Asian Pacific Society of Hypertension.  Ms. Liu has also been the vice president of the World Hypertension League and the co-chairperson of the Scientific Steering Committee of Global Health Forum Cardiovascular Disease in Developing Countries, World Health Organization since 1999. In 2006, Ms. Liu has been elected to be the president of the World Hypertension League. She is also the chief editor of the Chinese Journal of Hypertension and the members of a number of editorial boards of journals in cardiology and hypertension.



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